Donate to Wildlife Rescue, Rehabilitation and Education

As a 501c3 organization, we rely on your support and you can be sure that your donations will go
directly to supporting the wildlife rescue, rehabilitation and education.

Support Wildlife Rescue, Rehabilitation & Education

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Donation Refund Policy

We are grateful for your donation and support of our organization. If you have made an error in making your donation or change your mind about contributing to our organization please contact us. Refunds are returned using the original method of payment. If you made your donation by credit card, your refund will be credited to that same credit card.

Automated Recurring Donation Cancellation

Ongoing support is important to enabling projects to continue their work, so we encourage donors to continue to contribute to projects over time. But if you must cancel your recurring donation, please notify us.

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  • Happy Birthday Aunt Barbara!!!
    Mike Lyall
  • Donation for the care of a snowshoe hare we brought in.
    Colleen LeBlang
  • Thank you for all of the special care that you provide for creatures in need. We appreciate you!
    Denice and John Schroeder
  • Betty White's birthday!
    Rebecca Smith Gross
  • For Pamela and her flying squirrels...enjoy your well deserved retirement!
    Keleigh Johnson
  • Donate several times every year!
    Thomas Morse
  • Keep up your wonderful work.
    Allen Shook
  • Just Love What you do here taking care of all the animals that so desperately need it. Thank You All!
    Scott Meinhardt
  • I love wildlife of all shapes and sizes... if I was independently wealthy, I would love to do more both financially and in a hands on way. I have great respect for everything you undertake and do! Thank you - Patti
    Patti Strohla
  • In the spirit of giving, this is a holiday gift in honor of my relatives Donna and Chris who live in WI and care deeply about wildlife.
    Adrian Reznik
  • I contribute because I love the work you do helping animals in the Northwoods..
    Joan Rosland
  • Good work, good luck
    Mackenzie Goldthwait
  • Merry Christmas and Thank you for all you do.
    David Beavers
  • I donate every year to honor my husband's mother, Janis Schneider, who was a volunteer there for many years, but I also donate because I see what incredible work you all do! Thank you for spending your lives helping these beautiful animals have a second chance, and thank you for educating the surrounding communities on the importance of preservation.
    Susie Schneider
  • In Memory of Carol Baker.
    James Pruter
  • The needs of our Northwood is so great & we are so fortunate to be able to care for some of our wildlife population as well the education provided. Thanks so much
    Mary Hobson
  • We love the wildlife center and are happy to see the animals thrive there.
    Katie Hackbarth
  • Thank you for all you do and Happy Holidays!
    Wayne Jackowski
  • Keep up the amazing work you do! I used to live in WI and toured your place a few times. Now I live in MT and miss the Northwoods. Your newletters keep me connected. Thanks!
    Sarah Miller Nehring
  • Grateful for the care you provide for animals in need!
    Parker and Mildred Sharpe
  • Have previously supported. Loved living in area as child. In winter, I could walk outside and hear a chickadee and then hold out my hand with pieces of peanuts and feed it.
    Joan Weckmueller
  • Your dedication to sick and injured animals brings joy to my heart. The animals that you rescue may not be able to say thank you, but I can on their behalf. You all are very special people. Thank you!
    Janet Long
  • I have been able to visit your rehabilitation center with my grandchildren and were very impressed with your work. Please keep up the great work.
    Jeanne Merlo
  • Thank you for all that you do to help sustain our future!
    Jim Schneider
  • You people do an awesome job!
    Lynn Hoeppner
  • Donation on behalf of Carol Steiner, longtime Center supporter!
    Raymond Steiner
  • I can actually see the results of my donation
    Marti Albrecht
  • So grateful for all you do for the Northwoods and beyond. We brought a fawn who we saw get hit by a car to you after hours and your interns were quick to help and call a rehabber back to the facility. Sadly, this sweet baby didn’t make it but I felt more at ease knowing she wasn’t just left in the field to become prey or starve.
    Rebecca Griffin
  • Support your outreach to help animals. I brought a duck to you several years ago and you helped her. Thanks for all you do.
    Grace and Drake Deming
  • In memory of Carol Baker
    Vanessa Angelo
  • In memory of my nephew Joseph (Joey) Ogrodnik. He loved Minocqua and the Northwoods, was a true animal advocate and supported you throughout the years. Thank you for all you do.
    Gloria Kisiel
  • In memory of Carol Baker.
    Richard Patton
  • Volunteers are awesome people
    mark loehlein
  • Thanks for all you do!
    Linda Hoadley
  • We have donated for many years and visit when Up North.
    Dorcas Burlingame
  • Keep up the GOOD work!
    Michael Samsa
  • I am just now finding out about your rehabilitation center and it sounds like you’re doing a lot of good up there. Please keep me informed of your growing progress.. I don’t have a lot of money, but I know every little bit helps.
    Lisa Noble

Mail Donations To:

The Northwoods Wildlife Center
8683 S. Blumenstein Rd.
Minocqua, WI 54548

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