
  • Photo submission deadline is 12 AM, February 7.
  • You can enter as many photos in as many categories as you would like. Each photo is $20.
  • There are several categories for amateurs and one special category for professionals.
  • The amateur categories are: North-American Wildlife, Naturescapes, Bugs and Blooms, Pets, and People in Nature
  • North-American Wildlife photos must be of a species native to North America.
  • If you are a professional photographer, we have a special category for you that you will see when you go to the site. Note: The event was originally created for amateurs, but over the years we learned that pro photographers wanted to be able to use their art to contribute to wildlife rescue and rehabilitation. And I’m sure, show off their work a little too.
  • We define professional photographer as anyone who’s livelihood or income is reliant upon their photography. Another way of looking at it, is that if you can claim your gear as a legitimate business expense, you should enter the Professional category.
  • Photo of the Year is awarded by a panel of judges who review each one of the North-American Wildlife photos and judge them based on a set of technical, artistic and emotional criteria.
  • Because the contest was originally created for amateurs, only Amateurs are eligible to win “Photo of the Year” and only for photos submitted to the North American Wildlife Category.
  • All other category entries, including professional photos are eligible for “People’s Choice” awards that are voted on during the Gala.
  • The Northwoods Wildlife Center will not sell or distribute your work except for the purposes of promoting the Northwoods Wildlife Center and the Photo Gala. For example, winners photos are published (with attribution) on our website, in our eNews, on social media platforms, and in our spring members newsletter.
  • From time to time, a photo may have some educational value and the Northwoods Wildlife Center may desire to use that photo for educational purposes. In such a case, the Northwoods Wildlife Center will seek permission to use the photo.


  • Photos will be cropped to 10” x 8” horizontal, or 8” x 10” portrait.
  • A 1-1/2 inch border matte will be included on all photos.
  • Photos should be 300 dpi.
  • Photos that are not 300 dpi will automatically be resampled and resized, without any guarantee as to what the final result will be. If you are particular about how your photo looks, please make sure that it is cropped and sized prior to submission!
  • Acceptable formats for uploading are JPG, JPEG, PNG, and HEC.
  • Photos deemed offensive, advocating violence, or political may be rejected from the competition.

Ready to Enter, go here!

If you have read, understand and agree to everything, enter the contest here.