If A Bird Flew Into Your Window and is in Need of Assistance, Please Follow The Instructions Below

Image of Black and white warbler rehab patient

After a Bird Has Struck Your Window

If The Bird is Unmoving or Has Not Flown Away

  • Place it in a small covered box with paper towel or towel at the bottom.
  • Leave the box in a quiet, warm, and predator-proof area to rest for an hour.
  • Oftentimes, the bird has been stunned and needs time to recover. After an hour, attempt a release outside.
  • If the bird doesn’t fly away, contact NWC at (715) 356-7400 for further assistance. 

Do not feed a bird after striking a window. It may harm the bird if it has not fully recovered from the impact.

If blood is present, there is a visible broken bone, or the birds breathing is very hoarse

  • Contact NWC immediately at (715) 356-7400.
  • Do not try to release a bird exhibiting these symptoms.

Image showing window decals to prevent bird collisions

How To prevent Future Collisions

Birds cannot see that the window is a solid object and fly into it. Even small windows can be a problem because birds often look for narrow escape routes when being chased by predators. A bird may also fly into glass because a building’s surrounding vegetation is reflected onto the surface of the windows, or there are plants inside that the bird can see and attempts to fly into it.

If you have windows that birds are drawn to, there are a few options to prevent collisions

  • By far the easiest remedy available is bird tape. This reflective tape gives the window an appearance that resembles a solid structure.
  • Other options available are “bird-proof” glass and adhesive films that can be applied to give the window the appearance of impermeability.
  • Please remember always to keep bird feeders away from your windows.